Thursday 6 May 2010

Blissfully Blues On Tour - In Dartford! (May 22nd)

Michael and Jane have invited us along to Dartford to meet all the existing and new Blues dancers out there - and we can't wait!

We will be running a workshop during the day, to ease everyone into the zone and make sure we all have the skills and confidence to have a fantastic Blissfully Blues evening.

Sara and DJ ISmooth will be in control of the decks and we promise to bring you a fantastic mix of old favourites, new discoveries, and 'Oh my word I really HAVE to dance to this!' tracks for you.

For us at Jive Nites, Blues is about dancing to a broad spectrum of expressive, interpretative, passionate, dynamic and even challenging music... With like-minded dancers who live for those moments on the dance floor when the music, the atmosphere, the connection and the partnership combine to create that perfect dance moment...

Not that we take it seriously or anything!

At Blissfully Blues we strive to create an unintimidating, ambient Blues atmosphere, where you can lose yourself in the music.

The music is always provided by DJ's who are first and foremost, dancers! So you can guarantee that the music they play is the music they as dancers, would want to be hearing.

This is Blues, real blues, at its very best!

When & Where?
Saturday 22nd May - 8pm until midnight

The Princes Park Stadium

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